15 September 2017

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Stand for something and you’ll never stand alone.

Dear Chief of Making Things Happen

Tom Watson, Sr., the founder of IBM, said that to be great, a business needs a religion;

In other words it needs an ideology, a set of values and core behaviours and a culture where people not only want to work, but love to work and always bring their ‘best game’ every day.

Over the years my beliefs have been influenced by many people including my family and friends plus a host of professional people like:

· Robert E Johnson — Master Sales Trainer and Business Coach

· Jay Abraham — the ‘Marketing Guru’ to many Fortune 500 companies

· Bob Proctor — Sales Trainer and Mentor

· Zig Ziglar — Sales trainer and Mentor

· Dr Joe Vitale — of ‘The Secret’ fame and

· Gary Bencivenga — Master Copywriter

· Peter Drucker — Management Consultant

All these people along with my own innate values and experiences have brought me to a basic set of beliefs that work for me and guide my work ( and life) every day.

Let me share my core-beliefs about helping business owners grow their businesses and enjoy their lives more, and see if they match yours.

First, I believe the purpose of business is to create and keep a customer (or client). Without customers there is no business. So everything we do must ultimately be about identifying, attracting, engaging, getting and keeping a customer.

Second, I believe that every business has two basic functions: Marketing and Innovation.

The customer is the foundation of a business and keeps it in existence. The customer alone gives employment of the business and the people within the business. Marketing is what starts the ‘attraction’ process between the business and the potential customer and Innovation is what makes the business different …makes it stand out from the crowd…gives it a point of differentiation. Marketing and Innovation is a constant ‘work in progress.’

Third, I believe that every business is two businesses. There’s the one that ‘does ‘the work and the one that ‘sells’ the work. If we don’t sell the work then there’s no work to be done. Everyone in the business from the front door to the back door must be trained in Sales. Nothing happens until something is sold. How many businesses are out there who can honestly say — we don’t need any more sales. We have enough. There will be a few but 80%-90% would be happier if there were a few more sales.

Fourth, I believe in selling with integrity. The strongest marketing messages (be it -advertising, websites, social media etc.) tell the truth dramatically. You don’t have to stretch the truth, distort the facts, short-change your customers, spoil your good name or cut corners. Treat your customers by the Golden Rule and they will reward you with more gold.

And finally…

Fifth, I believe in you. (Just like one of my favourite songs — I believe in you by the late and great country singer — Don Williams). I believe in the tremendous untapped power of your mind to achieve anything you truly desire and believe, as long as it does not harm others. That’s why our purpose — the driver behind our creating clients and keeping them is educating , coaching and inspiring people to be the best they can be in all areas of their lives including their business life.

If you share these five beliefs then I’m delighted we have found each other. You and I are kindred spirits and marketing companions.

This leads me to — The Credo Technique.

Credo ( pronounced CRAY-doe) is Latin for ‘I believe’

But it is much more than a technique. It is an expression of your most strongly held core values which serve as a clarion call to gather the like-minded faithful of your marketplace.

Remember, people don’t buy ‘what you do’ they buy ‘why you do it’ and the ‘why’ you do it can be expressed in terms of your values and beliefs.

You’ll find that when you clearly stand for something, you will never stand alone. Indeed, standing for something special in your overcrowded marketplace sets you apart from armies of me-too competitors who try to be everything to everybody, and wind up meaning nothing special to anyone.

Using the Credo technique is the surest way I know to attract and bond with your kindred spirits, your true believers, your most loyal fans, your best clients and your friends.

Sincere wishes for a good life

Good Luck and (always) Good Selling

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