27 October 2017

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As you know selling is about persuading people to do something they would not otherwise have done…if they were going to do it — they wouldn’t need you.

The mere fact we are persuading …giving reasons — why (facts and benefits) to show people how much they will enjoy and benefit from our products and services gives rise to ‘objections, fears, challenges and rejection.’ These are all hurdles we face (and they face) on ‘the sales journey’.

When you sell with purpose you don’t allow rejection to stop you. You don’t allow failure to define you. You don’t allow the mundane to drain you. And you don’t allow fear to prevent you from making a difference.

A lot of people resonate with this message and it has helped them to sell with purpose, overcome their fear and challenges and benefit more people.

So how you do you make selling with purpose a reality?

You identify ways your product, service, ideas, and vision can benefit others and make it your mission to share these benefits with others.

You focus less on what you do and more on why you do it and allow this why to inspire and energize you to make a difference.

You don’t chase success.

Rather you decide to make a difference and success finds you.

You realise that each day you can focus on the mundane or you can make the mundane meaningful. When you make the mundane meaningful you won’t get tired or burned-out.

Lastly, you don’t focus on your numbers. Use your numbers to measure progress -but don’t focus on them.

Instead focus on your purpose because your numbers are just a by-product of how well you are living, sharing and selling your purpose.

Here’s my purpose in Sellingto help as many people as I can get from where they are to where they want to be (do or have) in the simplest , easiest, value-for-money way — I can.

Let me just break that down a little –

· I want to help a lot of people

· I want to find out where they now — relevant to how my product might help them

· I want to find out exactly where they want to be(do, have) relevant to my product

· I want to find out WHY they want it

· Then if appropriate — I want to share what I have to offer in such a way that they will see themselves using, enjoying and benefiting from the product

· …and finally I want to make this easy and simple …and be confident that they are happy with the value-for-money aspect of the product and my overall service.

Can you see how purpose works…there’s nothing here about me wanting to make a sale…nothing about the dollars…nothing about sales targets.

This is about finding out what people want and why and showing them how you and your company can help them get it.

What is your purpose in selling?

Good Luck ( and always) Good Selling


PS. UPYOURS by the way — UP your Sales Purpose , sell it , then watch the numbers fly.

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